Southwest Region

Limu, Jimma, Bonga Area, and Forest Coffees

Limu coffee grows in the southwest of Ethiopia between 3,600 and 6,200 feet. Limu coffee (all washed) generally has a milder acidity than Sidamo and Yirgacheffe; the flavor is generally characterized by a balanced and clean cup. Traditionally, Limu coffees marketed under that name have been processed washed; the unwashed Limu coffees have normally been offered under the Djimmah category.

Grade Types
Limu A Limmu Seka, Limmu Kossa, Manna, Gomma, Gummay, Seka Chekoressa, Kersa, Shebe and Gera.
Limu B Bedelle, Noppa, Chorra, Yayo, Alle, and Didu Dedessa.